You can preserve antibiotic efficacy


Watch the replay of our Integrated Symposia

The value of diagnostic information for antimicrobial stewardship



Sunday, 16th April 2023, 12:15-13:15 | 📍 HALL D



The impact of multiplex PCR in the management of severe pneumonia
Prof. Jean-François TIMSIT, Hôpital Bichat, Paris, FRANCE

The impact of fast ID/AST in the management of bloodstream infections
Prof. Alexia VERROKEN, Cliniques universitaires Saint Luc, Brussels, BELGIUM

How physicians’ beliefs and concerns impact the way diagnostic information is translated into patient management
Prof. Robert HORNE, University College London, UK

Panel discussion and Q&A



ESCMID-appointed Chair: Dr. Jeroen SCHOUTEN, RadboudUMC Intensive Care Unit, NETHERLANDS

bioMérieux-appointed Chair: Prof. Claire ROGER, CHU de Nîmes, FRANCE

The value of the syndromic approach for testing respiratory tract infections at point-of-care



Monday, 17th April 2023, 12:15-13:15 | 📍 HALL H



The Emergency Department physician point of view
Prof. Alexander ZOUFALY, Gesundheitsverbund Wien Klinik Favoriten, Vienna, AUSTRIA

The lab point of view
Dr. Lennart Jan FRIIS-HANSEN, Bispebjerg Hospital, Copenhagen, DENMARK

Panel discussion and Q&A



ESCMID-appointed Chair: Dr. Els WESSELS, Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), NETHERLANDS

bioMérieux-appointed Chair: Dr. Kay ROY, NHS, UK







Put it all together for more answers, faster. That’s the idea behind the syndromic approach to molecular testing with multiplex PCR.


Save precious time – even give results during a patient visit – by adding reliable diagnostic testing at the point of care.


The latest innovations for fast and reliable ID & AST are key allies in the fight against antimicrobial resistance.


Every minute counts in sepsis. Rapid diagnosis and appropriate antimicrobial treatment are critical to survival.


Key innovations and optimization strategies combine to make any lab gain greater efficiency to meet today’s productivity challenges.

Scientific Posters & Oral Presentations

Check out bioMérieux’s scientific posters and presentations at ECCMID

Title Authors N° poster Date Session name Session start Session end Location BMX Product or field of interest
Molecular Biology
Use of Biofire BCID2 panel in the management of sepsis in a context of controlled prescription Naouale MAATAOUI et al., France P1636 16-avr 4d. Molecular diagnostics (incl. POCT and syndromic testing) 12:00 13:30 Poster area BIOFIRE BCID panel
Clinical impact of syndromic molecular Point-of-Care testing for gastrointestinal pathogens in adults hospitalised with suspected gastroenteritis (GastroPOC): a pragmatic, open-label, randomised controlled trial Nathan BRENDISH et al., United Kingdom E0481 16-avr 7. Parasitic diseases & global health, Intestinal pathogens: old problems, new challenges 09:30 10:30 Arena 4 BIOFIRE GI panel
Clinical evaluation of the BioFire FilmArray gastrointestinal panel for detection of pathogens associated with gastroenteritis Yu Hsuan LIU et al., Taiwan, Republic Of China P1778 16-avr 4e. Strain typing and surveillance (incl. molecular, genomic and other advanced methods) 12:00 13:30 Poster area BIOFIRE GI panel
Multicentre evaluation of rapid molecular syndromic approach in joint infections using a new dedicated panel Tiphaine ROUSSEL-GAILLARD et al., France P1646 16-avr 4d. Molecular diagnostics (incl. POCT and syndromic testing) 12:00 13:30 Poster area BIOFIRE JI panel
Cost impact of using a molecular detection panel for managing patients with joint infection Joan-Miquel BALADA-LLASAT et al., US P1653 16-avr 4d. Molecular diagnostics (incl. POCT and syndromic testing) 12:00 13:30 Poster area BIOFIRE JI panel
An evaluation of a commercial multiplex PCR panel for the diagnosis of joint infections Pauline KETT et al., Ireland P1639 16-avr 4d. Molecular diagnostics (incl. POCT and syndromic testing) 12:00 13:30 Poster area BIOFIRE JI panel
The role of a commercial joint infection panel in single positive and unexpected negative cultures associated with periprosthetic hip and knee joint infections S. Gardete-Hartmann et al., Austria P1754 16-avr 4d. Molecular diagnostics (incl. POCT and syndromic testing) 12:00 13:30 Poster area BIOFIRE JI panel
Evaluation of Filmarray® joint infection panel in microbiological diagnosis of acute osteoarticular infections, preliminary results in a chilean cohort Dona BENADOF et al., Chile P1721 16-avr 4d. Molecular diagnostics (incl. POCT and syndromic testing) 12:00 13:30 Poster area BIOFIRE JI panel
Clinical and microbiological evaluation of the novel syndromic panel for the diagnosis of native and prosthetic joint infections, a pilot study Mitja RAK et al., Slovenia P1680 16-avr 4d. Molecular diagnostics (incl. POCT and syndromic testing) 12:00 13:30 Poster area BIOFIRE JI panel
Evaluation of a new rapid syndromic multiplex PCR panel for the diagnosis of patients with a suspicion of joint infection in a real world environment Stéphanie PASCUAL et al., France O0871 17-avr 4. Diagnostic microbiology. Bone and prosthetic joint infections: addressing diagnostic challenges 11:00 12:00 Hall M BIOFIRE JI panel
High prevalence of inherited chromosomally integrated human herpes virus type 6 (ici-HHV6) detected in cerebral spinal fluid from children with HHV6 detection by a meningitis/encephalitis multiplex panel Huanyu WANG et al., US O0147 15-avr 1. Viral infection & disease. Diagnostic, therapeutic and prophylactic strategies in herpesviruses infections 11:00 12:00 Hall M BIOFIRE ME panel
Prospective evaluation of the BioFire FilmArray Meningitis/Encephalitis Panel performance in hospitalised infants Beata KASZTELEWICZ et al., Poland P1728 16-avr 4d. Molecular diagnostics (incl. POCT and syndromic testing) 12:00 13:30 Poster area BIOFIRE ME panel
Cost evaluation of the INHALE trial: investigating the cost implications of rapid molecular diagnostics in the ICU for managing nosocomial pneumonia in UK intensive care units (ICU) Virve ENNE et al., United Kingdom P1710 16-avr 4d. Molecular diagnostics (incl. POCT and syndromic testing) 12:00 13:30 Poster area BIOFIRE PN panel
ICU clinicians' perceptions of rapid multiplex PCR for diagnosis of pneumonia and barriers to application in practice: an INHALE trial sub-study Sarah-Jane STEWART et al., United Kingdom P1701 16-avr 4d. Molecular diagnostics (incl. POCT and syndromic testing) 12:00 13:30 Poster area BIOFIRE PN panel
Randomized trial measuring the clinical impact of the FilmArray® Pneumonia panel plus in critically ill Alexia VERROKEN et al., Belgium P1698 16-avr 4d. Molecular diagnostics (incl. POCT and syndromic testing) 12:00 13:30 Poster area BIOFIRE PN panel
The clinical impact of syndromic point-of-care PCR testing on antibiotic treatment of patients admitted with suspected community-acquired pneumonia in emergency departments: a multi-centre randomised controlled trial Mariana CARTULIARES et al., Denmark O0867 17-avr 2. Bacterial infection & disease;Cutting edge in respiratory bacterial infections 11:00 12:00 Hall I BIOFIRE PN panel
The feasibility of implementing a close to patient molecular test to determine the aetiology of non-ventilator acquired hospital acquired pneumonia (NV-HAP) Joseph WOOD et al., UK E0948 17-avr 4. Diagnostic microbiology, New diagnostic tools for respiratory infections 13:30 14:30 Arena 3 BIOFIRE PN panel
Microbiology of of hospital-acquired and ventilator-associated pneumonia as detected by multiplex PCR in intensive care unit patients from the UK: an INHALE sub-study Zaneeta DHESI et al., UK E0951 17-avr 4. Diagnostic microbiology, New diagnostic tools for respiratory infections 13:30 14:30 Arena 3 BIOFIRE PN panel
Impact of rapid multiplex PCR on the antimicrobial therapy management in VA-LTRI patients: an observational study Andrea Palomeque et al., Spain O1045 17-avr 4. Diagnostic microbiology, Do we trust the results of new diagnostic technologies for the treatment of respiratory infections? 16:15 18:15 Hall P BIOFIRE PN panel
INHALE WP3: Clinical outcomes and antimicrobial stewardship analyses from of a multi-centre RCT (INHALE) testing the utility of rapid multiplex PCR for hospital-acquired and ventilator-associated pneumonia in critical care Virve ENNE et al., UK O1041 17-avr 4. Diagnostic microbiology, Do we trust the results of new diagnostic technologies for the treatment of respiratory infections? 16:15 18:15 Hall P BIOFIRE PN panel
Multiplex PCR pneumonia panel for microbiological diagnosis and the clinicians' perspective on the utilisation of the results in the management of patients with LRTI: a one-year experience in a private tertiary care centre Fong SI WEI et al., Malaysia O1043 17-avr 4. Diagnostic microbiology, Do we trust the results of new diagnostic technologies for the treatment of respiratory infections? 16:15 18:15 Hall P BIOFIRE PN panel
Impact of the Biofire Filmarray Pneumonia Panel to guide exacerbations diagnostic and treatment in bronchiectasis Laia FERNáNDEZ-BARAT et al., Spain O1044 17-avr 4. Diagnostic microbiology, Do we trust the results of new diagnostic technologies for the treatment of respiratory infections? 16:15 18:15 Hall P BIOFIRE PN panel
Procalcitonin combined to point of care molecular respiratory panel testing for antibiotic stewardship in the emergency room : the PROARRAY study Pierre HAUSFATER et al., France P2315 17-avr. 5d. Antimicrobial stewardship and prescribing (incl. interventions, monitoring, impact, decision-support / prediction tools, behavioural aspects) 12:00 13:30 Poster area BIOFIRE RP panel
Performance of a new rapid syndromic respiratory and sore throat panel with external quality assessment programmes Monica CRONIN et al., United States P1678 16-avr 4d. Molecular diagnostics (incl. POCT and syndromic testing) 09:30 10:30 Arena 4 SPOTFIRE R/ST
Evaluation of a rapid multiplex PCR diagnostic device for the detection of microorganisms from nasopharyngeal and throat swab specimens in the near patient setting Jeffrey BASTAR et al., United States P1739 16-avr 4d. Molecular diagnostics (incl. POCT and syndromic testing) 09:30 10:30 Arena 4 SPOTFIRE R/ST
Analytical Performance of the BioFire SpotFire Respiratory/Sore Throat (R/ST) Panel and BioFire SpotFire System Heidi BUTZ et al., United States P1706 16-avr 4d. Molecular diagnostics (incl. POCT and syndromic testing) 09:30 10:30 Arena 4 SPOTFIRE R/ST
Clinical agreement study between COVID-19 R-GENE® real-time PCR assay and Allplex SARS-CoV-2 assay on nasopharyngeal swab and saliva paired samples, broncho-alveolar lavages, nasal aspirates, nasal swabs and oropharyngeal swabs Agata Scalcione et al., Italy P2593 17-avr 12d. Diagnostics (incl. molecular, genomic, rapid tests) 12:00 13:30 Poster area Covid-19 R-gene
Rapid and reliable identification of microorganisms from early growth of positive bloodcultures using MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry Melanie Yarbrough, Kelly Alvarado, Brittany Roemmich 1614 16-avr 4c. MALTI-TOF and other proteomic methods 12h00 13h30 Poster area VITEK MS PRIME
Evaluation of a new Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization-Time Of Flight Mass Spectrometry instrument in a high throughput routine laboratory Maria Raptaki, Melanie Piaschinski, Simone Feldmeier, Anja Flagmeier, Janhendrik Timm, Yoann Crase, Sebastian Grund 1621 16-avr 4c. MALTI-TOF and other proteomic methods 12h00 13h30 Poster area VITEK MS PRIME
Performance of two new MALDI-ToF systems for identification of common and rare yeasts S. Graeber, P. Thelen, E. Schmidt , S. Göttig, G. Walthe, O. Kurzai, A. Hamprecht 1623 16-avr 4c. MALTI-TOF and other proteomic methods 12h00 13h30 Poster area VITEK MS PRIME
Performance of two MALDI-TOF MS systems for the identification of filamentous fungi including a new, easy, fast and reliable workflow S. Graeber, P. Thelen, A. Hamprecht 1616 16-avr 4c. MALTI-TOF and other proteomic methods 12h00 13h30 Poster area VITEK MS PRIME
Analysis of the performance of two new MALDI-TOF systems P. Thelen, S. Graeber, A. Hamprecht 1612 16-avr 4c. MALTI-TOF and other proteomic methods 12h00 13h30 Poster area VITEK MS PRIME
Enhancing positive blood culture workflows by combining lab automation and streamlined processes: an example of VITEK MS PRIME integration optimized by application of lean principles Olivier Duquesnoy, et al. France 1605 16-avr 4b. Laboratory management 12h00 13h30 Poster area VITEK MS PRIME
Whole genome analysis of Gram-negatives using the EPISEQ-CS platform and other bioinformatics platforms Elvira Garza-Gonzalez, et al. 299 15-avr 3b. Resistance surveillance & epidemiology: Gram-negatives 12h00 13h30 Poster area EPISEQ-CS
VITEK2 Advanced Expert System β-Lactam Resistance Phenotyping compared to Whole Genome Sequencing in Enterobacterales Isolates from European Medical Centres Cecilia Carvalhaes, Paul Rhomberg, Nabina Gurung, Nathan Veeder, Mariana Castanheira 384 15-avr 3c. Susceptibility testing methods 12h00 13h30 Poster area VITEK2 AES
Performance of VITEK REVEAL system for rapid antimicrobial susceptibility testing of Gram-negative bacteraemia: results from a multicentre study in France Laurence Parmeland, Delphine Chainier, Alexis Pontvianne, Carole Grelaud , Rudolph Piris, Richard Remington, Catherine Ott, Yohann Bala, Mathieu Pecquet, Richard Bonnet, Olivier Barraud 343 15-avr 3c. Susceptibility testing methods 12h00 13h30 Poster area VITEK REVEAL
Evaluation and validation of the specific diagnostics REVEAL rapid antimicrobial sensitivity testing system on antibiotic resistant strains of Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Gram-negative blood culture isolates Rhys Evans, Joanna Diggle, Mandy Wootton 364 15-avr 3c. Susceptibility testing methods 12h00 13h30 Poster area VITEK REVEAL
Retrospective evaluation of rapid phenotypic AST system on positive blood culture turnaround time and potential impacts on bloodstream infection management Ismail Yuceel-Timur, Elise Thierry, Delphine Chainier, Ibrahima Ndao, Maud Labrousse, Carole Grelaud, Yohann Bala, Olivier Barraud 386 15-avr 3c. Susceptibility testing methods 12h00 13h30 Poster area VITEK REVEAL
Rapid antibiotic susceptibility testing on blood cultures positive for gram-negative bacilli : an interventional study, France, 2022 Nabil Gastli, Martin Belan, Alexandra Doloy, Cécile Guyonnet, Eléanor Din, Caroline Charlier, Claire Poyart, Etienne Canouï, Asmaa Tazi 2376 15-avr 5d. Antimicrobial stewardship and prescribing 12h00 13h30 Poster area VITEK REVEAL
Whole genome sequencing data of colistin-resistant Enterobacteriaceae intestinal carriage isolates from healthy volunteers: first report from India Abdul Ghafur et al 117 15-avr 3b. Resistance surveillance & epidemiology: Gram-negatives 12h00 13h30 Poster area CHROMID COLR
Solving the puzzle of lab management - The impact of lab assessment on productivity and turnaroud time in a large laboratory in Brazil Carlos Domingos, Cássia Sant Anna, Juliana Ortega, Bernardo Barros, Monica Gutierrez-Granado, Sandra Vallejo, Antonio Fabron 1588 15-avr 4b. Laboratory management 12h00 13h30 Poster area Lab consultancy
Impact of centralized BACT/ALERT Virtuo blood culture system (VIRTUO) implementation on outcomes in patients with Gram-negative bacteremia Christopher Destache, Dayla Boldt, Jennifer Anthone, Manasa Velagapudi, Richard Swaney, Julie Jerabek, Nicolas Malik, Jassmine Williams, Rutendo Jokomo-Nyakabau, Renuga Vivekanandan, Stephen Cavalieri 1592 15-avr 4b. Laboratory management 12h00 13h30 Poster area BACT/ALERT VIRTUO
Accuracy of Vitek susceptibility testing from short-incubation cultures, using a challenge set of Enterobacterales Jie HE, Singapore   15-avr 4a. Diagnostic bacteriology (incl. culture based, traditional and general microbiology, serology) 12h00 13h30 Poster area VITEK2 AES

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From April 15-18, 2023, ECCMID is the opportunity to discover innovations from bioMérieux.
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📍 Booth #C3-09


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