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MYVIDAS platform is no longer accessible.

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Dear VIDAS® customers,

MYVIDAS platform is no longer accessible, but we are still available for you!

Drawing on our tradition of innovation, we are working on a new customer experience to help you continue to grow with VIDAS®. In the meantime, we will of course provide the information and support you need through other channels.

Don’t hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to hear from you.

Yours sincerely,

The bioMérieux VIDAS® team

What are you looking for?

Information on VIDAS® platforms and wide assays range:

  • See how the VIDAS® solution can further answer your needs in its usual user-friendly, reliable and cost-effective way - because it makes sense on VIDAS®!
  • Discover or rediscover our broad menu of high-quality and innovative parameters for routine, emergency, complementary and confirmation testing: download the full VIDAS® test menu.

Educational resources:

Consult our Clinician Booklets to find out more about the medical value of our tests in the management of various pathologies.

Tools to help you in your everyday practice: