Every Minute Counts
bioMérieux supports the continuum of sepsis care with diagnostic solutions that span the entire treatment workflow. Patient monitoring capabilities support the timely optimization of treatment, and analytic platforms provide in-depth information about the pathogen responsible to direct targeted antimicrobial therapy.
Our Solutions
VIDAS® B.R.A.H.M.S PCT™ measures levels of procalcitonin (PCT), a specific marker for bacterial infections.
- Increases accuracy of early diagnosis for more informed initial antibiotic therapy
- Critical information for assessing the severity and prognosis
- Helps monitor infection over time, helping to assess the efficacy of antibiotic therapy
The BACT/ALERT® VIRTUO® system offers fully automated blood culture for faster organism recovery that minimizes time to detection and aids delivery of targeted antibiotic therapy for bloodstream infections earlier*.
- “Set and forget” automated loading
- Alerts and automated unloading of positive bottles for immediate action
- Automated unloading and safe disposal of negative bottles
- Use with BACT/ALERT® FAN® PLUS media to optimize time to detection and recovery
*Source: F Congestri et Al, Comparison of ‘time to detection’ values between BacT/ALERT VIRTUO and BacT/ALERT 3D instruments for clinical blood culture samples, Int J Infect Dis. 2017
BIOFIRE® Blood Culture Identification 2 (BCID2) Panel
Multiplex PCR testing with the BIOFIRE BCID2 Panel can shorten the time to pathogen identification, giving clinicians the information they need to make timely and optimal treatment decisions. The BIOFIRE BCID2 Panel enables accurate identification of up to 43 targets in about one hour.
- Detects 33 Gram-positive, Gram-negative, and yeast pathogens, as well as 10 antimicrobial resistance genes from positive blood culture
- 99% sensitivity and 99.8% specificityǂ
- Works on the BIOFIRE® FILMARRAY® TORCH, a multiplex PCR system requiring only about two minutes hands-on time
ǂStated sensitivity and specificity is the aggregate performance from the prospective clinical study data.
VITEK® MS PRIME, a MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry system, takes mass spectrometry to the next level by maximizing the impact of daily laboratory workflow for better patient care.
- Robust and accurate single choice identifications
- Automated, continuous load & go
- Urgent slide prioritization
- Automated slide loading and urgent slide prioritization help further improve turnaround time for faster time to reported results, and earlier optimized therapy
CLARION provides one Stewardship solution from lab to leadership. Its platform-agnostic design consolidates data from any networked laboratory instrument, regardless of manufacturer.
- Collect and collaborate on real-time stewardship reports
- Improve and automate reporting at Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular
- Monitor and track multi-drug resistant organisms and infection control dynamics
- Analyze patient data to improve impact of patient care, safety, and outcomes
Please click here to browse our full clinical product line.