End-to-end sepsis diagnostic solutions.

Our integrated portfolio of diagnostic solutions provides a complete, seamless sepsis care package, supporting optimized patient care and improved clinical outcomes at every step.

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Total Sepsis Solution Graphic

A comprehensive and integrated approach to sepsis management.

We offer a complete range of sepsis solutions, with dedicated products for each stage of the sepsis care pathway.

This unique grouping of products, services, and software is designed to streamline workflows, provide consistent results, and achieve a level of comprehensive care that is only possible with a total sepsis solution.

Use the menu on the left to learn more about each solution.

The Need for Holistic Sepsis Management Solutions

The high mortality rate and rapid progression of sepsis highlight the need for innovative diagnostic solutions that can enhance patient outcomes and potentially save lives.

1 in 3 people who die in a hospital had sepsis during that hospitalization
62 billion estimated annual cost for US hospitalizations
1.7 million cases of sepsis among US adults each year

Did you know we offer lab consulting and optimization?

The bioMerieux Lab Consultancy team will empower your lab by optimizing processes and ensuring that you provide exceptional care to every patient.

Our lab consultancy team can help you:

  • Streamline workflows
  • Enhance technology
  • Meet performance goals
  • Impact patient care

A solution for every setting, results for every patient.

Our comprehensive portfolio of sepsis diagnostic solutions can help enhance patient outcomes by enabling early, accurate detection and targeted treatment, potentially reducing mortality rates and healthcare costs.

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  1. Rhee, C., et. al. Incidence and trends in sepsis in US hospitals using clinical versus claims data, 2009-2014. JAMA. 2017;318(13):1241-1249. doi: 10.1001/jama.2017.13836
  2. Buchman, TG, et. al. Sepsis among Medicare beneficiaries: 3. The methods, models, and forecasts of sepsis, 2012-2018. Crit Care Med. 2020;48(3):346-363.
  3. Altun, O. et al. Controlled Evaluation of the new BACT/Alert Virtuo Blood Culture System for Detection and Time to Detection of Bacteria and Yeasts. J. Clin. Microbiol., 2016. 54: p. 1148–1151.
  4. VIDAS BRAHMS PCT Package Insert, No. rev. 044579-04-en-2022-11