Laboratories are faced with more pressures than ever before, with less and less resources. Due to the ever increasing presence of antimicrobial resistance, it is imperative to have technology that provides accurate and timely identification of microorganisms. bioMérieux understands these demands, and are able to meet labs' unique needs with technological innovations like VITEK MS PRIME.
VITEK MS PRIME is the next generation MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry system from bioMérieux. This instrument leverages microbiology expertise to deliver robust workflow enhancements and speed of sample analysis, which allows for faster time-to-result and a positive impact on patient outcomes. VITEK MS PRIME is a revolutionary microbial identification system—from the diagnostics provider you know and trust.
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Discover Confidence in Identification
Curious to learn how VITEK MS PRIME can be seamlessly integrated into your laboratory?
David Seymour, Clinical Microbiology Supervisor at Los Robles Hospital, shared his perspective on being the first clinical site to receive the VITEK MS PRIME. Watch our short video below to hear about the experience.

Designed For Routine Workflow Efficiency
Maximize productivity and workflow efficiency with VITEK MS PRIME. This benchtop system seamlessly integrates into your laboratory with its space-saving design and onboard PC monitor. VITEK MS PRIME offers continuous load-and-go of slides with a 16 slide capacity, including fast-track slide prioritization.
With its lifetime laser, long-lasting linear detector, and pioneering ion optic design, VITEK MS PRIME is built to last. Automated fine-tuning allows for easy maintenance, reducing system downtime.
Built on a Foundation of Microbiology Expertise
VITEK MS PRIME has a robust and evolving organism database cleared for bacteria and fungi, including mycobacteria, Nocardia and molds. There is an average of 12 strains per species as well as an average of 35 spectra per species. This comprehensive and diverse database is designed for the utmost clinical relevance.
Fully Integrated Solutions
VITEK MS PRIME seamlessly connects to VITEK FLEXPREP® for easy preparation of both identification and antimicrobial susceptibility testing. This integration with VITEK 2 brings sample traceability and flexibility, leading to a more efficient workflow. In combination with our data analytics solutions, MYLA® & CLARION™, bioMérieux can offer every laboratory a robust and integrated solution.
Service and Support From a Proven, Reliable Partner
bioMérieux is by your side from day one, beginning with installation and integration and continuing to daily operations and maintenance. With bioMérieux support, you can access reliable IT expertise and lab consultancy services that can help you optimize operations. With over 55 years of experience in microbiology and laboratory operations, our service is unparalleled in the market.