BioFire® FilmArray® Panels

Fast and comprehensive syndromic PCR panels take out the guesswork, giving laboratories and healthcare providers a rapid way of identifying pathogens associated with infectious disease. Designed with the syndromic approach in mind, each panel can detect a broad grouping of probable pathogenic causes in a single, accurate, rapid test.

Syndromic testing for upper and lower respiratory tract infections

The BioFire® syndromic respiratory solution allow for rapid testing for the most common viruses, bacteria, and antimicrobial resistance genes associated with infections in the upper- and lower respiratory tract. Whether you’re trying to select appropriate therapy for a pneumonia patient or determine exactly which respiratory pathogen is making a young child sick, the BioFire® can quickly aid in providing answers to the cause of the condition of the patient.

The BioFire® Respiratory 2.1 Plus (RP2.1plus) Panel The BioFire® Pneumonia Plus (PNplus) Panel BioFire® Syndromic Trends



a woman in protective glasses and a protective smock loads a pouch into BIOFIRE's Torch System

The BioFire® Respiratory 2.1 Plus (RP2.1plus) Panel

One Test. 23 Targets. One Hour.

The BioFire® RP2.1plus Panel uses a syndromic approach to accurately detect and identify the pathogens most commonly associated with respiratory infections.

Fast and comprehensive, the RP2.1plus Panel offers a run time of 45 minutes, enabling high efficiency and throughput on the BioFire® FilmArray® 2.0 and the BioFire® FilmArray® Torch Systems. Rapid respiratory PCR test results may enable better-informed diagnosis and treatment of patients.

Check out the panel

BioFire® Respiratory 2.1 Plus (RP2.1plus) Panel

Benefits of the BIOFIRE® Respiratory 2.1 Plus Panel

Fast. Easy. Comprehensive.

Faster Time to Results

Targeted Treatment Decisions

Reduce Length of Stay

The BioFire® Respiratory 2.1 Plus (RP2.1 plus) Panel can dramatically reduce time to diagnosis compared to traditional testing methods.1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Targeted testing runs the risk of missing the true causative agent. Fast, accurate results give you the confidence to reduce antibiotic use 8,9,10,11,12,13 or use neuraminidase inhibitors more appropriately.9,11,12 Improved care management regarding admissions, isolations, cohorting, and discharges with the BioFire® Respiratory 2.1 plus (RP2.1plus) Panel



Respiratory infections are common in children and the symptoms are often unspecific, making the diagnosis a challenge. The syndromic approach can aid in rapid pathogen identification in paediatric patients, where the variety of possible causative pathogens can be high, even during the SARS-COV-2 pandemic.28


Download the pediatrician brochure



The BioFire® Pneumonia Plus (PNplus) Panel

One Test. 34 Targets. One Hour.

The BioFire PN plus panel is the only FDA-cleared and CE-marked sample-to-answer capable of identifying 34 clinically relevant targets from sputum (including endotracheal aspirate) and bronchoalveolar lavage (including mini-BAL) samples. For 15 of the bacteria, the PN plus Panel provides semi-quantitative results, which may help determine whether an organism is a colonizer or a pathogen.

Check out the panel

BioFire Pneumonia Plus (PNplus) Panel

biofire panel being inserted into the film array machine

Benefits of the BIOFIRE® Pneumonia Plus Panel

Fast. Easy. Comprehensive.

Faster time to results

Impact on treatment decisions

Impact on patient health outcomes

The BioFire® Pneumonia Plus Panel can dramatically reduce time to diagnosis compared to traditional testing methods.

Time to result in about one hour, leading to 39h reduction for pathogen identification14-18 and 61h for AST14,15,16,18.

Semi-quantitative results to help distinguish pathogens of interest from normal flora
  • Changes in antibiotics prescribed to 59% of patients16, 19-23
  • Antibiotic escalation/de-escalation in 20.6% 20-25 / 33.9% 19-22, 25 of cases.
The hospital length of stay is decreased dramatically.
  • Improved isolation measures 24
  • Earlier detection of bacterial co-infections in patients with COVID-19 26,27


Webinars & Testimonials

Recording - Watch this video:

Dr. Henry Paridaens
Hopital La Citadelle

Webinar: Navigating the Respiratory Season, The Power of Syndromic Testing

What is BioFire® Syndromic Trends?



syndromic testing


BioFire Syndromic Trends (Trend) is an IT solution offered by bioMérieux, that provides instant, visual insights into local and regional pathogen detection trends on demand. Users can view pathogen trends for their lab as well as regional and national pathogen trends, all of which are created from de-identified data that has been aggregated with BioFire® test data from other participating sites. Trend delivers automatic weekly email reports and allows users to explore their data using a Trend’s online dashboard, which enables users to further explore their data by location, laboratory, or even chart type. Trends is available for RP2.1plus & BCID2 panels.

  • Downloadable custom reports
  • De-identified data to protect patient privacy
  • Weekly notifications for local and regional activity
  • Near real-time data collection and historical data access
  • Unlimited licenses to clinical website for data collection


Diverse Resources To Download

BioFire® Respiratory 2.1 Plus Panel Info Sheet

BioFire® Pneumonia Plus Panel Info Sheet

BioFire Syndromic Trends Brochure


BioFire® Meningitis/Encephalitis Panel

1 Test. 14 Targets. ~1 Hour.

BioFire® Joint Infection Panel

1 Test. 39 Targets. ~ 1 Hour.

BioFire® Respiratory 2.1 Plus Panel

1 Test. 23 Targets. ~45minutes.

BioFire® Blood Culture Identification 2 Panel

1 Test. 43 Targets. ~1 Hour.

BioFire® Gastrointestinal Panel

1 Test. 22 Targets. ~1 Hour.

BioFire® Pneumonia Plus Panel

1 Test. 34 Targets. ~1 Hour.

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